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John Tallichet

Chairman of the Board
Specialty Restaurants Corporation
Specialty Restaurants Corporation brings some high-flying concepts to the world of themed dining. Specialty Restaurants Corporation operates more than 20 themed restaurants in more than a dozen states, including several locations that pay tribute to WWII aviation history. Carrying names such as 94th Aero Squadron, the restaurants feature replica military airplanes and an interior resembling a French farmhouse. Specialty Restaurants’ other dining spots include The Rusty Pelican, Baby Doe’s, Shanghai Red’s, and Castaway. The company also offers catering and banquet services. Former WWII bomber pilot and aviation history buff David Tallichet founded the company in 1958 with George Millay, the founder of SeaWorld theme parks. SRC Development currently owns projects for mixed-use, commercial, residential, and industrial development in nine states and Baja, Mexico. SRC Development is headquartered in Anaheim, CA. John D. Tallichet is Chairman of the Board of Specialty Restaurants Corporation and President of SRC Development. Mr. Tallichet is the son of the founder of SRC, the late David C. Tallichet. Mr. Tallichet served as Vice President of Real Estate and has held many operational positions including President of SRC. As President of SRC Development, Mr. Tallichet oversees the strategic planning of the Company’s Real Estate Portfolio. Mr. Tallichet is a graduate of the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California and holds a dual MBA from both the Hass School of Business, of the University of California at Berkeley and Columbia Business School, Columbia University.